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Selected Projects

1. Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century (4C):

Role: Task leader, updated constraints on the ocean CO2 sink

2. Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans grant. BMBF

funded sub-project EUREC4A-OA SIMBOA:

Role: CO2 data PI during the EUREC4A campaign aboard R/V Maria S. Merian

This is a schematic of the processes influencing the coastal carbon cycle
This image shows natural and anthropogenic net flows of carbon

3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Enhanced Representation of Processes and Extremes in Earth System Models (AI4PEX): Start in April 2024

Role: WP lead, providing new EO based constraints to improve ESM´s

4. Sailing meets Science:

Role: Data PI (CO2 measurement system) and data analysis

5. Surface Ocean CO2 Mapping Intercomparison Project (SOCOM):

Role: Data product developer and provider

6.Linking Blue Economy with maRiNe cARbon buDgets through Observations (BERNARDO):

Role: WP leader and PI for creating a background carbon budget at the Belgian part of the North Sea

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